Friday, May 20, 2016

Talking about women rights

Day by day in the world we see and hear terrible things related with the human being: wars, violence, starve… And for some reason this things don’t getting in a better way. It’s like if we don’t remember the principal ability that nature brings us so many years ago (for not say a thousands of years ago) which separate the human being of the rest of wild creatures of the world, the capacity of reasoning, the ability to choose between the good and the bad… The amazing capacity to put away our primal instincts. In her TED’s speech, Isabel Allende do a brilliant and elegant narration about her experience and, talking generally, the women experience with the abuse, violation of their rights, suppression and violence against their. This speech express so good the obvious situation of many women around the world that suffer constantly the violence of male chauvinist hand and the point of view of the speaker (Isabel Allende) related with the life condition of this women… Conditions of life, really events, that we how human being, how a male chauvinist society, practically let them pass unseen right front our eyes without giving they the real importance that have. It’s for this Isabel Allende talk about the passion; the passion to make a good world, not a better world but a good one because we as young people who (in a moment of our life) became adult people, have the obligation to make the big difference between the conservator society that precede ours and make this entirely world a equality place. We have to do it right now because this problem, because this violence and violation of the rights of women is something that has to be solved in the past since ever... Everybody have liberty and rights since the moment when born and today we're obviating the existence of these in so many cultures and this is bad because it's like if, instead of improving the society, we're going back to our simply and basic primal insticts. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

How must to be a "good" architect...?

I had been thinking about the caracteristics that make an architect a "good" architect and I finally come to the conclusion that to be a "good" professional of this area is too important to have a lot of abilities related with the capacity to express the ideas by a correct way in the reality... and, obviusly, that ideas haven´t be a danger for the people who would live in our projets. It's for this two principal minds that an architect must be perseverant and hardworking cause' in the future our job will be like the job of a medic... As they, we also will working with the life of people and their comfort and we need to put that mind in our heads cause' it's one of the most important things to have in mind when the architect desing a building... For other part, a good architect have to be extremely creative at the moment of design a house, an apartment, an interior, furniture, all that things, because the most beautiful caracteristic of architecture is the innovation. But this innovation goes of hand of the ability must have an architect with the imagination, the drawing and sketching. However... if you don't have that capacities, we are here with all the energy to learn how to do it rightly!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

My first month at the FAU

If you don't know I began to study Architecture since a month ago in the Universidad de Chile and I had been very tired with the workshops and all the work that teachers send to home, but I think that it's a kind of "test" to prove my stress resistance or something like that. However I really believe that if I get effort, with the pass of the time I could be a more experimented person, an more intelligent person and, by the way, a better human cause' all the experience that I'm getting of my teachers and classmates I´m really convince that will open soo many "doors" in the future... my future like a professional.

I don't know exactly what carried me to took the decision of study Architecture, but certainly one of my reasons was the necesity of learn to draw buildings... "But what buildings?" You have been thinking, well that have a very simple answer: I like to draw soo much... I love draw and when I do it I feel myself like if I been in another place, It's something very, very strange but in my opinion that's anything we called: Passion. I drew a lot since I was a little boy and one of my dreams of life is to have the possibility to write and draw alone or with a partner one of the bests comics in the world (or maybe the second xD) and I never could draw buildings correctly so I'm an Architecture student cause' my responsability like artist is to never stop of getting knowledge about all the things that I like and the things that sorrund me day by day. I feel that is a very noble way of thinking.

I ever feel in one way or another (like the song :3) that my parents support me a lot with all the crazy dreams that I ever had and, for that reason, I feel myself commited to give back they any joy... I don't know, something like see their son with a degree in the hands... Nevertheless, my parents ever said me that the more important (beyond have any degree) is to be a polite and good person with all the people cause' that kind of people is in extinction.

My first month in the university had been very cool, funny, interesting, a completely new experience and essentially, tiring... Yeah, when you start to study in the university you miss soo much your eight, nine or twelve hours of sleep and you begin to get in love with the coffee, the chocolate or all that things that can get you awake during the night (or maybe during the day... why not) when you have to do a lot of work and the time doesn't stop to wait for you. But anyway this first month studying Architecture had been a memorable experience in my life and I really want to moving forward.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Talking about Holidays: Stay in home could be interesting!

When you don't go away cause' your parents have to work all the summer and your friends post "selfies" in facebook having a very gooood time in "Puerto Príncipe" (I'm joking xD) and you only can put your legs in the pool of your little sister/brother... Don't get panic! If this is your situation and you don't know how spend your time alone in home, I talk to you about my personal experience and what kind of things I did last holidays to punch right in da face the boring. Keep reading and share with me your opinion!

Wake up, eat breakfast in pijama, clean and organizate my room and turn on the PC had become in my daily rutine. Play videogames, watch anime, eat, read comics, manga, books, eat, play videogames late in the night, sleep; my holidays were being soo boring and the days were pasing very, very slow... After all I spend my mornings and evenings practically alone cause' my parents go out soo early in the morning and go back late in the evening (sometimes in the night). But one day of Junary, when I just got tired of do the same things all the two passed months (November and December), I took my cellphone, make a group in Whatsapp and I put all my group of friends there... I think that I really didn't take a better decision before. Since that moment I began to go away to places that I never seen before in Santiago. The thing is get motivated and get together with friends!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today in the world we've a technical tool to search information, publish and share pics, essays, games and a lot of more things. This tool it's the famous "INTERNET".

From a long a time the NET has been used to make homework, read digital books, communicate with people in other sides of the world and maybe, look a few of videos. Althought, now the young people are giving a bad use to it and that's causing a very big confussion between society.

The pedophilia, the violence, the pom(r) and the cyber-bullying are ones of the things that today circuling the INTERNET and this stay to the scope of everyone. Only click can open a new world of very strage and gallant things that must be disable to the youth, and well sayed, to the entire population of the INTERNET.

Fix it now!!

The best way to repair this is locking the access to this pages.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Visit my country!!!

Hi everybody. Here's Saiko again after a long time without post nothing.
Today I want to talk about my country and it beauties.

Chile is situated in the southwestern tip of South America between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean.

Its extensive length (4,200 kilometers, similar to a tour of Europe from Lisbon to Moscow) offers a huge variety of landscapes and climates throughout its territory, from the Atacama Desert -the driest in the world - in the far north to Patagonia’s millennia-old glaciers in the south.

Geography of Chile

Deserts, islands, Andes and Antarctica: Chile’s geography is unique. Long and narrow, it stretches the farthest south in the world, hemmed in by mountains on one side and on the other by the Pacific.

In the northern zone we have any of the desserts most arids in the entire world.
The center of the country it's the most population zone and cradle of our customs.
And the southest part of Chile we have "Las Torres del Paine" one of the "World Wonders" and a lot of green spaces fulled of trees and animals very beauties.


The 99,3% of the chilean population speak the mother language, the spanish. The most part of the chilean people speak a variation of spanish named "Chilean Spanish", a urban idiom.
And a little part of the originary population speaks the "Mapudungun", the "Aimara" and the "Rapa nui", near 100.000 to 300.000 peoples speak thats languages.


The Roman Catholicism it's the principal Religious expression between the Chilean Society.
Althought the Catolic church has been separed of the State since 1925 when the Chilean parlamentarism began.

Chile have a lot of beautiful places and very kinder people. I invite to you to visit my country and visit all the places will can you in your trip.

If you need more information I lend this web page with more interesting info that be used for to you.

Saiko out! :3
Have a good day my friends