Monday, November 11, 2013

Visit my country!!!

Hi everybody. Here's Saiko again after a long time without post nothing.
Today I want to talk about my country and it beauties.

Chile is situated in the southwestern tip of South America between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean.

Its extensive length (4,200 kilometers, similar to a tour of Europe from Lisbon to Moscow) offers a huge variety of landscapes and climates throughout its territory, from the Atacama Desert -the driest in the world - in the far north to Patagonia’s millennia-old glaciers in the south.

Geography of Chile

Deserts, islands, Andes and Antarctica: Chile’s geography is unique. Long and narrow, it stretches the farthest south in the world, hemmed in by mountains on one side and on the other by the Pacific.

In the northern zone we have any of the desserts most arids in the entire world.
The center of the country it's the most population zone and cradle of our customs.
And the southest part of Chile we have "Las Torres del Paine" one of the "World Wonders" and a lot of green spaces fulled of trees and animals very beauties.


The 99,3% of the chilean population speak the mother language, the spanish. The most part of the chilean people speak a variation of spanish named "Chilean Spanish", a urban idiom.
And a little part of the originary population speaks the "Mapudungun", the "Aimara" and the "Rapa nui", near 100.000 to 300.000 peoples speak thats languages.


The Roman Catholicism it's the principal Religious expression between the Chilean Society.
Althought the Catolic church has been separed of the State since 1925 when the Chilean parlamentarism began.

Chile have a lot of beautiful places and very kinder people. I invite to you to visit my country and visit all the places will can you in your trip.

If you need more information I lend this web page with more interesting info that be used for to you.

Saiko out! :3
Have a good day my friends

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