Monday, November 4, 2013


Halloween it's a holiday characteristic of the United States. This celebratrion take place the October 31th in the entire world (well, only just when that holiday has been celebrated xD). That have a principal objetive... RECOLECT CANDIES BY ANY WAY!! yes, however the situacion will turns very difficult YOU NEED THAT CANDIES!!... you can't forget the costume, it's the most important because you don't make nothing of panic and you won't recive any candy :'c that will be very sad...

Right now I lend to you a little horror story of this season of the year... This narration isn't very knew for all the people but it's the best I have


A long plantive wail emanated from the cardboard box. Wheather Jacob had seen the box or heard the cry first, he could not be sure, but he was certain that the pitiful sound came from the box. At once he was regretting taking the short cut from the burger bar to the car park, he had always felt uncomfortable using it after dark. The passage between the record shop and the butchers was only just
A little bit of Monica in my life!
A little bit of Sandra in the sky!

MAMBO NO 5 baby

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